Sunday, September 11, 2011


My Dad & Stepmom are visiting from New Mexico and we are making the most of this great weather.  We had a blast at the Museum of Flight. Did you know that airplanes were first used to transport mail?  There was an extra seat in the plane and there always seemed to be a passanger who needed a ride so the guy who started Boeing decided that maybe they should make mail planes bigger and sell seats to more people.  It grew from there.  The original Airline Attendants were nurses: they felt it was necessary to keep passengers calm and to handle health issues since the cabins weren't pressurized and people did faint. We also learned all about the last B-17 in existance - see below - the plane that basically won WWII on the Europe front.

Learned a lot about the history of the world and Washington state at the Burke Museum. This is a Giant Brazilian Terror Bird.

This is the skeleton of a Mastadon not a Wolly Mammoth. You see the tusks grow differently.  Just so you know...for the next time you see one.

Spent some time at Golden Gardens playing with the dog - Mandy.  She loves the water. 

Check out the 3 turtles sunning themselves on this log. 

Minature golf - a Schumacher tradition.  Everyone else got a hole-in-one except me.  WHATEVER!

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