This really falls under the heading Strange, Weird and Funny. I was in Bath and about to leave. I had a long day ahead of me; four train connections to get to the Cotswolds and I needed some snacks. There was a grocery store nearby - "Sainsbury". A great place to get food, remember the name for the next time you are in England. It was 10:30am and I went in to get a sandwich, some fruit, yogurt, and beverages. After collecting my items, I naively stood in the cue ("line" to you and me). It wasn't moving. When I asked a girl who worked there she said - and I'm not kidding - "Oh, we're only open for browsing right now. The registers open at 11:00. It's the labor law for Sunday".

Browsing. Browsing in a grocery store!? Are you kidding me? And I wasn't the only one in cue. There were people with carts full of groceries who were apparently willing to wait a full 30 minutes to purchase their goods. My train was leaving the station at 11:04 and there wouldn't be enough time for me to make a purchase there. So I was stuck buying a truly mediocre sandwich on the train. grocery store. Too funny. I found out later that the law is in place so that workers will have time to go to church on Sundays before work.

I didn't realize that there is a 1 hour time difference between the UK and Europe. I hadn't been able to get wifi in the hotel and it didn't occur to me that the time on the cell phone wouldn't be able to update itself. The next day I woke up early, got ready and as I was headed out the door, I realized that I was 1 hour late for my EXPENSIVE PREPAID tour of Paris and Palace of Versailles. I was so angry with myself. I pouted for an embarrassingly long 2 hours before I talked myself into a better mood and started to have some fun. I will see the palace next time.

Overhearing two American women from New York talk while they were waiting for their dates in the lobby of my hotel. They met two men earlier that day, made a date for dinner and the women were gushing over how good looking the guys were and deciding which man each of them wanted.

One woman said “he had better be on time because if he’s more than 10 minutes late, I won’t go out with him. I won’t tolerate tardiness. And it had better be a good restaurant because I won’t stand for less than a 3 stars.” And so forth. Here she is in Paris, just met a man, a romantic setting and she’s full of rules and boundaries. She made sure that they were sitting in a location that could be seen from the front door, that her hair looked good under the lighting and wanted her friend to tell her when the men were approaching so she could (fake) laugh while they approached. It was all very contrived and therefore highly entertaining.

My hotel was only so-so which was fine but the bed...I would have been more comfortable on the floor. If it weren't for the fact that it was freezing cold in that room and on the floor, I would have slept there. I gave it a scathing review on Trip Advisor. Here it is below.

This great location is soon hampered by reality. I didn't mind climbing the 8 flights of stairs, the indifferent staff nor the vaguely-assigned bathrooms. What I did mind was how uncomfortable the bed and room was. This bare bones hotel offers only-slightly-softer-than-the-floor beds. If you get bored trying to fall asleep on this joke of a mattress, the paper thin walls provide a symphony of sounds for your entertainment. You can listen to your neighbor cough, sneeze, burp, fart and adjust the goose-neck lamp attached to the wall. For a real thrill step out into the hallway where you can hear snoring in 3 different languages. This canyon like echo chamber requires ear plugs and probably industrial strength earphones too. You will also need to pack a bath mat and towel since what they provide look more like my Nana's "fancy but only for looks and not for use" tea towels. The staff do not live there, they live in another town and have very limited hours that they are available. This place is waaaayyyyy too expensive for what you get. Some roomes have small windows and small views IF you are really tall (attic rooms).

My first day in Rome. I changed my plans and went to Rome a day earlier than expected so I had to find a hotel without a reservation. The hotel I was reserved at for the following night didn't have any vacancies. There were kind and although they helped me find a place for one night, it was such a royal pain, I know for sure that traveling without reservations would not be for me. My hotel was room a bit dingy and weary but I had a great, albeit noisy, view of the city. It was not a good room, not a good bed and my door didn't really lock all the way. I didn't like it at all.

The next morning I was so happy because for the first time in ages I had a good shower. The water stayed the same temperature the entire time, the shower handle thingy wasn't jabbing me in my back. It was wonderful. I was so happy. I toweled dry and stepped out of the bathroom...into a deep puddle of water. All the water from the shower had leaked through the wall into the room. My shoes, my rucksack with all my clothes, everything was soaking wet. Water had spread out into the hallway. It was so Italy. One moment everything seems fine and you're happy and the next, BAM, Italy brings you down. Every day in Italy is like that.

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