Monday, June 27, 2011


My last day.  Wow.  I'm really doing this.  It's so real it's overwhelming.  Originally I was hoping that Thursday would be my last day but it turned out that I had to train the new temp Office Manager.  Talking all day gave me a huge headache and I wasn't feeling too happy in general. That would have been a bad day to have as my last day. Cay asked me to make sure that I took the time to say good-bye to everyone and Diana offered to bring in a bunch of Rick Steve's DVDs & books.  All in all it was just a good idea to come into the office.  AND I'm so glad that I did.  What a joy it was to just wander around and say my good-byes to people without worrying about work. I loved it. Basically I walked around the floors, stopped in offices, chatted, gave Wendy my keys, said good-bye to Cay & John and headed out around 1pm. 

Cay, Wendy and I reminised about old times and laughing. Then I had a short but sweet chat with John. All in all it was exactly how I wanted it to be:  I wanted to leave on a good note as a reflection of how happy I used to be most of the time I worked there.

When I was in the elevator I could feel the stress seeping away.  My shoulders moved down from my ears and back to where they should be and let's hope they stay there! I went downtown to Sephora to use my gift card: I got some of those cool stickers for nails and make-up brush cleaning wipes.  Then I came home, had lunch, soaked my feet and took a nap.  Tonight I went out with a bunch of friends from work to Marcello's for a celebration. It was a great day.

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