Monday, August 15, 2011


I had a blast on Friday downtown with my friend Fiorenza.  We checked out the band "Dusty 45's" at the free summer concert on the Harbor Steps.  The music as great and mostly original songs, people danced, children danced and although I wasn't able to get a picture of it the very last song included the lead singer standing on top of the large Bass, with his trumpet on fire AND he was playing it while it was aflame.  Pretty Cool.

Then we headed down to Pier 66 to see the Russian Ship: Palladan.  Apparently it's a training ship for the Russian sailors. Which explains why they all looked about 17 years old.  The Crowley tug pulled one of the barges into port.

It was a great day downtown. It's easy to forget how pretty Seattle can be in summer. I hope this was a good reminder.

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