Sunday, August 14, 2011

TRIP PLANNING - one of my usual work duties but this time it's for ME!

I happily report that my trip planning is well underway and very close to being complete.

Departure date is Sunday, September 18 to London and return from Rome on Thursday, Novemeber 3 (7 weeks in Europe). 

  • London
  • Bath
  • Cotswolds
  • York
  • Edinburgh: there's a marathon in Inverness so I can't get accommodations in the north at all, so I'll stay in Edinburgh and do some day trips.
    • Isle of Skye
    • Scottish Highlands
    • Fly from Edinburgh to Paris

    • Paris
    • Avignon in the Provence area
    • French Riviera
      • Antibes
      • Nice


    • Milan
    • Lake Como
    • Venice
    • Florence/Pisa
    • Chinqua Terre ( a bit of back tracking but well worth it)
    • Rome
      • Then home to Seattle. 

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